In 2020/21, CAP’s Global Citizens stream (now called Globalization, Power, and Society) partnered with Wendy Mendes, Manager, Democratic Engagement with the City of Vancouver, supported by CityStudio Vancouver and UBC’s Centre for Community Engaged Learning, to explore what civic engagement looks like. Wendy presented on her work with the City of Vancouver’s Your City Hall Initiative
Based on what they learned about civic engagement and storytelling, students explored spaces in their own cities. In small learning pods, they discussed what factors impact their sense of belonging in that space. They researched public stories about the space, and they had conversations with people in their communities.
Then, each student produced a story in a particular genre (whether personal essay, video tour, short graphic memoir, or fable) about a social issue related to the space they had researched. Together, these multimedia stories map students’ experiences of belonging around the globe. It’s an invitation to consider how we can use storytelling to contribute to a greater sense of belonging.
Browse the storymap to hear what matters to Global Citizens students.
This project was funded by a grant from UBC’s Centre for Community-Engaged Learning