Kim Snowden
I received my PhD in Women’s and Gender Studies from UBC in 2007. I have taught at the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice since 2004 and in the Coordinated Arts Program since 2010. My research interests include fairy tales, folk tales, and fairy tale films, feminist and gender studies, film studies, and cultural studies. I teach courses on gender and sexuality, and race in fairy tales, contemporary fairy tales and popular culture, and vampire literature and films. I am currently working on a book manuscript that traces the evolution of fairy tales and attempts to explain the current popularity of fairy tales in film and television and the use of fairy tale motifs in other television and film genres, particularly those dealing with the supernatural and vampires. The book explores fairy tales such as “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Beauty and the Beast” alongside texts such asTrue Blood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer , and The Vampire Diaries with a focus on representations of gender, sexuality, and monstrosity.
ASTU 100
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Media Studies